If you need a logo or you are interested in logos… what are you gonna type in google ?It appears that people type “logo design” more often than any other pair of words, related to “logo”. May be the results are influenced by some news titles and unrelated stuff, but still – look at the graphics and the figures. I’ve compared : logo design logo brand logo studio logo portfolio ( this even does not…
Yes, there’s always an easier way. I bet there are a few symbols in your graphic library, which you use very often. Tribals, flags, figures, birds, pictos, etc… What about if you don’t have to import them every time, but instead – they are one key press away ? The following logo dingbat font collection will make this happen. logo dingbats visit Iconian.com to download all these and many more logo…
Here comes 2 great PDF books : Top Symbols and Trademarks of the World – volume 1 ( 130 pages – 520 logos – 8 MB ) Top Symbols and Trademarks of the World – volume 2 ( 155 pages – 600 logos – 17.5 MB ) — “Top Symbols And Trademarks Of The World” was published in 1973, written by Franco Maria Ricci & Corinna Ferrari. There are two volumes of this Italian book, which are very hard to find now. Maybe…
…The question: Trend, disease, necessity or evolution ? Although this ridiculous Apple logo design from 1976 looks like an 1876 emblem, this picture represents the evolution of logos very well. Apple is a technology company and can afford to redesign its symbol in any moment. However, companies like UPS will not do this soon because the UPS logo is used on too many print materials. If you are not…
Here come the teasers: Scans from a logotypes book – 120 pages of a-z logotype sets included in this PDF file. 23.6 MB Enjoy ! Credits go to : mr_carl Mirrors for the PDF file: Mirror 1 ( 2 shared.com ) – go down right and click the small link “click here” pls, do not link straight from your blog to the PDF files, since I may change the URL of the file for some reason and the link will be…
Ericsson logo guides pdf.gif Download a pdf file of 12 pages with the ericsson logo/brand guidelines . Logo guidelines are provided by the marketing or the design department. Their purpose is to mark the guides of the logo/brand usage in advertising materials and every other stuff where the logo of the company may appear. Logo guidelines are usually a few pages and are very useful when prepared…
How to vectorize a logo online? The address is vectormagic.stanford.edu :) What you can do there is: upload an image, make some adjustments and download the vectorize result + share the logo with everybody. Here are some screens , following the process: vector-tool-stanford01.png vector-tool-stanford02.png vector-tool-stanford03.png vector-tool-stanford04.png vector-tool-stanford05.png vector-tool…