I’ve realized that I don’t pay enough attention to the Arabic logos. That’s the reason for writing this post. Here I’ve picked 16 nice samples. Hope you will like them. Yin Yang logo by prof. John Langdon Equestrian city logo (arabic zoomorphic calligraphy) Quarterly Periodical of the Iranian Academy of the Arts logo Kuwait Fund for Arab & Economic Development – KFAED Alwan for the Arts logo Arab…
What I like in this logo guideline of Tetrapak company is the manner things are presented. Take for example the free zone distance – it’s not presented by “x” or some lacking individuality symbol, but with the “T” from the word mark. The contents consist of: 5 One logotype – three fixed combinations 8 Colours 10 Typography 12 Trademarks 14 Correspondence Communication structure 21 Our message…
Today is the last day for you and your school to register in the google doodle contest . This video shows Chief Google Doodler Dennis Hwang draw a Google Doodle from start to finish. Enjoy the video and the huge Wacom tablet…
…The question: Trend, disease, necessity or evolution ? Although this ridiculous Apple logo design from 1976 looks like an 1876 emblem, this picture represents the evolution of logos very well. Apple is a technology company and can afford to redesign its symbol in any moment. However, companies like UPS will not do this soon because the UPS logo is used on too many print materials. If you are not…
political election logos america It’s amazing how designers have to treat one and the same theme in so many variations. Some of the schemes are repeating themselves, but as a general – there’s a big variety that might be useful for every logo and corporate designer. As we can see – there are certain trends last years – like the usage of curves, reminding of the USA flag. They start using this…
Ericsson logo guides pdf.gif Download a pdf file of 12 pages with the ericsson logo/brand guidelines . Logo guidelines are provided by the marketing or the design department. Their purpose is to mark the guides of the logo/brand usage in advertising materials and every other stuff where the logo of the company may appear. Logo guidelines are usually a few pages and are very useful when prepared…