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In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, youll find over 2000 logos as well as special case study features on brand identities such as MTV, CCTV, and the Metropolitan Museums Berlin branch. Top design and branding offices featured include Meta Design, Saffron Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, Studio Dumbar, and Zion Graphics. With a foreword by Meta Designs chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and introduction is by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insiders prospective to the art of designing successful logos.
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LogoLounge V : 2,000 Identities – great inspiration book
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LogoLounge IV: 2000 Identities
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LogoLounge III: 2,000 Identies
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LogoLounge II (mini): 2,000 Identities
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LogoLounge 1 : 2,000 Identities | small preview here
Logos — for everything from food and fashion to conferences and corporations — are among designers? most prized projects. When Logo Lounge debuted in hardcover, it was the first in a series celebrating the work of top logo designers on the innovative LogoLounge website. Created by Bill Gardner, president of the leading design firm Gardner Design, the LogoLounge website (www.logolounge.com) features the work of handpicked top designers as well as up-and-coming new talent. This book, now in paperback, presents the site?s best designs of the year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers.LogoLoungeoffers a wealth of inspiration and insights for graphic designers and their clients.

Logo Savvy: Naming and Identity Strategies
After the business plan, the first step for any new company is choosing a name—a seemingly simple activity which can be extremely challenging. The next and equally challenging step is designing a logo that is eye catching, appropriate, and reflective of the chosen name of the business. Even for the seasoned designer, this is a remarkably difficult task.

It is an exciting time for branding. As everything becomes global, good branding becomes more crucial. What is Branding? is an accessible guide that makes sense of this complex subject. It explores the process of branding, and shares insights that can be applied to practical challenges.
Outlining the components of branding (positioning, storytelling, design, price, and relationships), what it can be applied to, and what it can achieve, What is Branding? will help ensure the success of branding for any product, service, person, or place.
Case studies included in the international portfolio of campaigns explain what makes them work, why they matter, and what can be learnt from them. Analysis focuses both on design know-how and on theory, looking at how professionals wrestle with abstract notions of perception, culture, and love while at the same time solving the nuts-and-bolts problems of package design, sign making, and web technology.
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Vignelli From A to Z | 46 page preview here