Why a company needs a logo design

The question “Why my company needs a logo?” is essential. It should be asked and answered in order to form a good relationship with your clients.

You should explain the reasons to them and make them understand and see for themselves. Saying “You just need one” is not a worthy explanation. Nor is it their job to know about design and how it affects marketing.

A business with no sign is a sign of no business.

Signs are the most effective, yet least expensive, form of advertising for the small business.

A sign is your introduction and handshake with those passing by. It is identifying your business to existing and potential customers.

Signs are working non-stop for you, advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

People often judge a business by how it appears on the outside, i.e. you highly depend on this exact sign.

Many merchants increase their business immensely just by adding a good sign. However, many have gone out of business because they simply were not identified well, so not enough potential customers knew of their existence. As one sign industry professional put it – “A business without a sign is a sign of no business.”

We live in a mobile society. According to the United States Census Bureau, 18% of households relocate each year. As your customers move, you need to replace them by attracting new customers.

So your job is to offer your clients a nice logo, that will serve them with years.

Here’s what we think a sign (or logo) should be:

  • easy to recognize
  • easy to interpret
  • easy to reproduce by a non-designer
  • cheap to produce / print
  • a clear symbol with a message
  • unique, and not to copy an existing logo

Logos are the haiku of graphic design.

Also it will be a better one if it is:

  • emotionally charged
  • easy to translate / redesign for another language, subbrand or purpose
  • easy to integrate shape
  • readable in different scales
  • attractive in black&white
  • well proportioned
  • designed to fit well in a “logo decoration pattern”

If you can’t explain the idea in one sentence over the telephone, it won’t work.

Lou Danziger.

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