If you need a logo or you are interested in logos… what are you gonna type in google ?
It appears that people type “logo design” more often than any other pair of words, related to “logo”. May be the results are influenced by some news titles and unrelated stuff, but still – look at the graphics and the figures.
I’ve compared :
- logo design
- logo brand
- logo studio
- logo portfolio ( this even does not qualify for the graphics )
Since “logo design” got the best score, I’ve preserved it to have a starting point for the other graphics ( logo design is with blue, again ) :
what we have here is :
- logo design
- apple logo
- best logo
- coca cola logo
I don’t want you to get bored, so this will be the last “trend” :)
- logo design
- company design
- corporate design
- brand design
I think you got an idea about the trends. If want to share an observation or something – the comments are open as always.