
Collection of brand books and guidelines of the biggest brands

Ford Guidelines Brand Book [pdf]

Ford Motor Company is one of the most famous multinational automakers in the world. Founded back in 1903, the company has changed its logo several times. The current logo design is very famous: According to the company the Ford brand book is published in order to “restate what the brand is about”. I have uploaded a few screens from the brand guidelines which you can see below. The brand guidelines…
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Android Branding Guidelines

I was watching some Youtube video for some app when I saw this funny android-appstore logo and decided to find the Android Brand Guidelines. Surprisingly – they are pretty short. You can click to zoom in the print-screen from the site. The shot is taken today – 26.04.2012. Who knows – may be the android guidelines will evolve someday, but for now they are pretty short. Source:…
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Audi Brand Guideline ( in Russian )

Few notes : the brand guideline is in Russian. Although – I’m sure you’ll understand every brand design rule even if you don’t speak the language. Some of the materials inside ( like the form design diagram ) are in German, so most probably it’s a Russian adaptation / translation. The other thing is that I don’t know the year this guideline is designed. May be it’s from around 2000. Just may be…
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Lynda logo guidelines

The chance you haven’t watch any video tutorial is quite small. Something like 00.5% – especially if you are a professional graphic designer. could be defined in my opinion as a visually stable brand. One and the same logo / logotype for so many years. That’s why I was curious what’s in the logo gidelines… The guidelines are as tide and simple ( in the good way ) as is any…
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HYUNDAI Logo guidelines

HYUNDAI’s logo is a decent one and so is the logo guideline. Old ( 2002 ) , but interesting, in its 93 pages ( 7 MB ) you can read about: Symbol Mark Logotype Signature Color Typefaces Stationery Signage Vehicles Promotion Items Uniforms It’s interesting the hierarchy between Hyundai and its dealers. Also the various vertical and the horizontal variations of positioning the logotype and the mark…
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General Electric Brand Guidelines [PDF]

This General Electric Guideline is designed for print advertising and covers : 1.0 Brand Architecture 2.0 Monogram 3.0 Tagline 4.0 Color Palette 5.0 Typography 6.0 Imagery 7.0 Tone of Voice 8.0 Gray Bar 9.0 Transition Designs 10.0 Limited Space 11.0 Classifieds/Yellow Pages 12.0 Outdoor 13.0 Grids There are many GE guidelines out there, since the company has a lot of activities, but I believe this…
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Beeline Brand Book [PDF]

Beeline / Билайн is named “the best Russian brand 2008”.  It’s a mobile operator with a nice brand design. The logo guideline here is in Russian, but I guess, you’ll get the idea even if you don’t speak the language. Click on the picture to download the PDF. File is 29 pages, 1 MB only. Otherwise, visit VimpelCom to understand more about the Beeline brand design.
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Skype Logo and Brand Guidelines

90 pages of great graphic design! A perfect brand document from which we should learn. Click on the image to browse the Skype Logo and Brand guidelines PDF in Flash or click here to download this skype logo and brand guidelines from the official site. If you’re interested in why the software is named after a random word – check out this article in High Names.
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Animal Planet brand guideline [pdf]

There are different opinions about the new “Animal Planet” TV channel logo. I find it nice and unique. This brand guideline is from 2008 – short, easy to digest and with a few more tricks that will help you make your own logo production better. Click the picture to download. 24 pages / 3.39 MB
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