Logo sets

Collection of logo sets of famous brands and topics

Anatomy Calligraphic Logos

Khaleelullah Chemnad sent me a link to his “anatomy calligraphy” logos. Here’s what he says about this type of art: “Anatomic calligraphy is a style in which the portrait of a person is drawn using the person’s name in Arabic or the words describing any other specialties of the person. Best examples of this style are the portrait of the founding president of the UAE late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al…
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VW logos – photo set

It’s always interesting for a corporate identity designer to see how a logo is  interpreted over different backgrounds and colors. I know the VW primary as a glossy car logo, but here you can seen some more variations of it. Sometimes it’s white, blue or even pink. If you look more careful – there’s a difference of the thickness of the lines in some cases. This leads to difference in the spaces…
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Arabic logo set + useful sources

I’ve realized that I don’t pay enough attention to the Arabic logos. That’s the reason for writing this post. Here I’ve picked 16 nice samples. Hope you will like them. Yin Yang logo by prof. John Langdon Equestrian city logo (arabic zoomorphic calligraphy) Quarterly Periodical of the Iranian Academy of the Arts logo Kuwait Fund for Arab & Economic Development – KFAED Alwan for the Arts logo Arab…
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Chat programs logos

The new Logoblink poll inspired me to search for logos of instant messengers and chat applications (as many as I could find). Here they are – bright, shiny & smiling. I am sure that there are more examples and I’ll be glad if you share them here :)
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top 25 band logos

Ramones are # 25, Prince like every prince is # 1. These are the top 25 logos according spinner.com . Read more to learn who designed every each one of them. This post is here not because I agree with the rank and the arrangement, but because I’m doing my own set now and it will be interesting to compare the results. If you also do not agree – you can do the same :) check soon for another logo…
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Explaining the web 2.0 logos

…The question: Trend, disease, necessity or evolution ? Although this ridiculous Apple logo design from 1976 looks like an 1876 emblem, this picture represents the evolution of logos very well. Apple is a technology company and can afford to redesign its symbol in any moment. However, companies like UPS will not do this soon because the UPS logo is used on too many print materials. If you are not…
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USA political election logos 2008 – 1960

political election logos america It’s amazing how designers have to treat one and the same theme in so many variations. Some of the schemes are repeating themselves, but as a general – there’s a big variety that might be useful for every logo and corporate designer. As we can see – there are certain trends last years – like the usage of curves, reminding of the USA flag. They start using this…
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