All articles tagged as "american"

Adobe’s 25th birthday!

John Warnock introduces and demos Adobe Illustrator 1.1 for its first launch 25 years ago. _ So… it’s Adobe’s 25th birthday! Or may be in our case we should celebrate “25 years of Adobe Illustrator” :) May be a lot of the readers here are the same age and may find the following video and text interesting in order to know better the best logo making tool out there. Anyway – here’s what I’ve found…
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Apple goes insane with its trademark

Coincidence or not, but Apple goes insane after the death of the CEO & co-founder Steve Jobs. Above you can see the present Apple logo and in red – the company they are suing. You can check in the video bellow the real place in Germany – a cafe called “Apple Kid” ( direct translation ). It’s interesting why a big American corporation will make problems to a small European cafe… about a trademark…
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The Power of the Brand, a Häagen-Dazs Example

The brand can set one seller’s goods or service from the others’. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. So, we can say that a Brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company. A good brand can transmit to the user/consumer, aspects like thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that become…
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Doyald Young, Logotype Designer

Warning : Doyald Young’s story is so inspiring that you may want to play the movie below again and again. It is 39 minutes long, but it’s totally worth. Video at the end of the post. Here are some screens and words from it: One of my heroes says : I do not want to draw a beautiful letter, I want to draw a good letter. Why make another logotype, when there are thousands of fonts out there…
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