
Get inspired for your next logo design project

How kids see your brands

After his first insightful video about how a 5-year-old child perceives famous brand logos, Adam Ladd has come up with a new idea. It’s a similar video, but this time he’s showing his 5-year-old daughter symbols (logos) she is not familiar with. The he’s asking her to redraw them from memory. As the video says “It’s fun to see which ones (logos) are memorable, and what design elements she honed in…
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Euro 2012 Poland-Ukraine brand design

It’s colorful, it’s extravagant.. and it’s not the typical Euro Championship logo, but with the right presentation everything’s fine. Actually the video is made back in 2009, but it’s a really good example of how a brand design should be approached and presented. If the London 2012 Olympics logo had the same presentation – I bet more people would be happy with the design. Anyway – this post is…
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Russian Standard Vodka logo dress

Usually they print logos on fabric, but that’s not the case in this Russian Standard Vodka campaign. Don’t know if this is an international concept, but it’s the first time I see it. Spotted on a Sofia Design Week party ( Bulgaria ).
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Viktor Hertz’s song logos

I’ve just discovered these… May be you’ll recognize some of the songs! well, yes – they are more like pictograms, but still – most of them could be logos 8) Hope you’ll like them and make sure you check Victor’s profile in flickr !
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Moskvich logotypes

May be most of you know one of the symbols of the communism – the russian car – Moskvich. Some photos of this Moskvich 408 Coupe ( very rare – they say there are only 2 cars like this in the world ) have inspired me to find pictures of different Moskvich logotypes. The badges on the back of the car, not the front logos.     This is the best picture I’ve found. A lot of models on 1 place. Nice…
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