Logo sets

Collection of logo sets of famous brands and topics

The Use of National Symbols in Logo Design

The United States’ flag is a major symbol not only of the American nation but of the American values – freedom and independence as well. US has probably one of the richest on symbols flags among all the countries in the world. Today it contains 50 stars and 13 stripes. Originally it had 13 stars that represented each American colony. However, the 50 stars today represent the number of states in…
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8 Famous Rock Music Logos Explained

It is undeniable fact that when we talk about musical CDs, vinyls and posters graphic design and music go hand in hand. Logo design and branding of the various music bands and singers seem to create the perception of music industry as a corporate enterprise. The distinctive corporate identity is essential for every kind of business aiming to be successful and recognizable, including music as well…
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Reebok’s new logo embodies change

Reebok company was found in 1895 in a small England town with the name “JW Foster and sons”. The company changes its name in 1958 when the sets the goal to design, sell and distribute sport accessories for fitness and casual occasions, clothes and equipment all over the world. In 2006 the Adidas group acquired Reebok. The company has focused more on fitness rather than specific sports and began to…
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10 cafeteria logos with 10 different appeals

When it comes to logo design for coffee shop or cafeteria there aren’t a lot of different choices for symbols that we could use. Coffee cups and coffee granules, warm colors and specific typography are some of the most commonly used elements in this kind of graphic design. But that doesn’t mean that the commonly used symbols couldn’t stand with different appeals in a different ways for different…
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Batman & Superman – the “Apple” & “Microsoft” in the world of comics

The superheroes we all know from movies and comics are always hiding their true identity and that’s why they express their presence with other symbols like outfits, phrases and as some of the most famous companies nowadays – with logo. The curious thing about the heroes is that their logos are perfectly fitted to the guidelines the corporate world uses today – they are recognizable and original…
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The Abstract and Unique Design of the Japanese Municipal Flags

A lot of praise could be said for the talented graphic designers from all over the world and their work. This post will open a word about the ones who made their way from Japan. The Japanese graphic designers’ work embodies rich culture, traditions, colors, shapes and concepts, which are a way far from the western world’s tendencies. After the war the country of the “rising sun” turned out with a…
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Logo sets : US and UK’s Best Retail Brands for 2013

A few days ago Interbrand revealed their “Best Retail Brands” lists for twelve regions! Those lists of top brands are created based on solid arguments and reports. Some of the lists are quite short (Australia’s is a short Top 10 BRB list), whereas others are quite long. The logo set above shows what is probably the most interesting list of all – the Top 50 U.S. Best Retail Brands for 2013. Most of…
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Ambigram Logo Set Collection

An ambigram is an art form that can be read in the same way from another viewpoint or orientation. John Langdon and Scott Kim are the two artists who have been most responsible for the popularization of ambigrams. Douglas R. Hofstadter has focused his research on the sense of “I”, consciousness, analogy-making, artistic creation and etc. He describes an ambigram as a “calligraphic design that…
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36 Famous coffee logos from around the world

As the coffee is my favorite everyday drink I did a research on the coffee brands and their logos from around the world. I’ve collected the most interesting  of the famous coffee logos for you to see here! Enjoy them:) It’s interesting how different the approach to each logo design is. The company’s logo is the most important part of the corporate identity. Therefore, brand logos should…
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Guimarães 2012 – European Capital of Culture Logos

Last year I was invited by my friend and colleague Tiago Lemos to visit Portugal. So it happened that  in 2012 the city of Guimaraes, Portugal was the European Capital of culture. The city is famous for  its museums, plenty of monuments, cultural associations, art galleries and popular festivities. During the time it was the capital of culture you could see the graphic identity designs for the…
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