All articles tagged as "2010"

A new free tool for your logotypes

Update 2019 Service is no longer available. Actually it’s a new free tool for custom fonts, but it also looks an easy alternative tool to make a great logotype. Watch the movie or just go and experiment. I don’t have a printer around me so I’ll try it next few days. How it works ? 20 sec registration. print the layout take a snapshot of the already filled layout and start mastering your typo Why…
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A Few Thoughts On Symmetrical Logos

Niels van Quaquebekeand Steffen Giessner of the Rotterdam School of Management showed logos of 100 Global 500 companies to two groups of participants. One group rated them on attractiveness and symmetry; the other judged whether the logo suggested that the company behaved ethically. The result: Rationally or not, people associate symmetrical logos with more ethical, socially responsible behavior…
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Epic Logo Spoof – The Logonom Movie

Grab the popcorns and the ice-cream with your favourite logo and sit down to enjoy this epic logo spoof. Pay attention- the movie is 8:35, but it’s worth watching. In case you are asking yourself “What’s this thing” ? – It’s an AICP 2010 Chicago Sponsor Reel. Made by Optimus and ONE… whatever this should mean :)
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Top 100 Youtube movie logos for 2010

So this is the limited edition poster of Ibraheem Youssef and the interesting part is that all these logos are illustrating the top Youtube movies for 2010. I guess one can take notes how some things are done or what to avoid. Overall – good job. Which one is your favourite logo here ? He’s writing in his blog :“Paul and myself enjoyed working on this thoroughly throughout December, It started off…
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Vimeo Winter Holiday Logos 2010

The first one is the original logo on the front page. The rest are the holiday logos for the end of 2010. They are still visible in the inner pages. Or at address :\_vimeo\_holidays_1.png ( 1 to 5 ). I think they are cute. May be a a snowflake is missing… The “Rudolf” ( #5 in the picture above ) and the “party” ( #3) are my favourite. With these nice…
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