
Invaluable logo and design resources you need to know about

Ford Guidelines Brand Book [pdf]

Ford Motor Company is one of the most famous multinational automakers in the world. Founded back in 1903, the company has changed its logo several times. The current logo design is very famous: According to the company the Ford brand book is published in order to “restate what the brand is about”. I have uploaded a few screens from the brand guidelines which you can see below. The brand guidelines…
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Anatomy of the logotype

You are probably working with fonts from some time now.. and you don’t consider yourself as a type nerd, but it’s a good thing to go back to the basics and check what’s what. Here you go – practice : Stem Counter Shoulder Serif Ascender Arc of stem Link Loop Ear Serif Arm Crossbar Ascent Ascender line Cap height X-height Baseline Descender line Descent Apex Aperture Finial Axis Crotch Leg Chin…
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Meaning of Jewish candlestick symbol

The Days of the week are named for the ancient gods/planets. There are 5 planets visible to the naked eye from the earth, plus the sun and the moon, that make up the pantheon of 7: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. You can see some interesting pictures of the candlestick symbol in this blog post
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A new free tool for your logotypes

Update 2019 Service is no longer available. Actually it’s a new free tool for custom fonts, but it also looks an easy alternative tool to make a great logotype. Watch the movie or just go and experiment. I don’t have a printer around me so I’ll try it next few days. How it works ? 20 sec registration. print the layout take a snapshot of the already filled layout and start mastering your typo Why…
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A Few Thoughts On Symmetrical Logos

Niels van Quaquebekeand Steffen Giessner of the Rotterdam School of Management showed logos of 100 Global 500 companies to two groups of participants. One group rated them on attractiveness and symmetry; the other judged whether the logo suggested that the company behaved ethically. The result: Rationally or not, people associate symmetrical logos with more ethical, socially responsible behavior…
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The First American Book On How To “Select” A Successful Logo

Published in 1947, the Textile Brand Names Dictionary __was devised as a simple resource for those entering the textile business. I’ll copy for you a small paragraph from the Heller’s blog that’s probably representing the essence of the things: This book was possibly the first American primer on how to “select” a successful mark. So, in the spirit of advancing design history it is instructive to…
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Tag the logos

All you do is type the first thing that comes into your head for each logo (every time you hit “submit,” a new logo comes up). Over time (not a lot of time, in this case, which I’ll get to in a minute), each featured brand has its own tag cloud, representing the collective perception and thoughts of that brand. The more times a word or phrase is typed by people, the bigger it shows up in the tag…
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Vintage logo designs by Stefan Kanchev : over 160 pages of great designs [PDF]

A lot of things could be said about my favorite logo designer : Stefan Kanchev (1915-2001). The most important thing of all is that he was a great talent. Unfortunately, as many other great artists, he didn’t become world famous because he was working “behind” the Iron Curtain. In the first world exhibition of trade marks in New York Stefan Kanchev participated with 23 works out of the total…
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Logo design prices / salaries

Here are some interesting statistics about the design salaries in USA and around the world.  If you are a client – these graphics can show you where to order you logo design. If you are a logo designer – you can compare figures with your international colleagues. If necessary – rise the price of your logo design services :) First we’ll take a look at the North America’s salaries ( click on the…
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Signet, Signal, Symbol – 35 PDF pages

Walter J. Diethelm ( the author ) is born in Switzerland. He was devoted to typography and graphic design. Died in Zurich, 1986. As far as I can see – he’s an author of some other interesing stuff. If someone is familiar with his Bio – please, share :)
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